
14 December 2023, 9:00 – 17:00 CET

Venue: Permanent Representation of Romania to the European Union - 107 Avenue de Cortenbergh B - 1000 Brussels, Belgium

The objective of the event is to identify and assess skills gaps, needs, high-impact policies and regulations in the Energy Sector, for energy transition through digitalization. The focus of the ”EDDIE Final Event and LSP on the Digitalisation of the Energy System” will highlight some of the most significant skills gap, the necessary curricula changes, and the most appropriate regulatory and policy measures required for the adaptation of technologies in the emerging digital era of the energy sector. Furthermore, another objective of the session was to pave the way towards building a large-scale partnership under the Pact for Skills taking benefit from the Sectorial Skills Strategy that will be developed by EDDIE project.
EU Erasmus+​

EDucation for DIgitalisation of Energy


EDDIE is a four-year Erasmus+ EU funded collaborative project creating a Sector Skill Alliance (SSA) to develop a long-driven Blueprint for the digitalization of the European Energy sector. The Consortium is coordinated by COMILLAS and brings together 16 partners from 10 EU Countries.


at a glance

Type of action: Sector Skill Alliance
Grant Number: 612398
Start Date: 01/01/2020
End date: 31/12/2023
Duration: 48 months
EC Contribution: € 3,995,690.00
Key Words: Digitalization, Energy, Education, SSA, VET
Project Coordinator: COMILLAS


The objective of the project to develop a Blueprint Strategy for the Digitalisation of the Energy value chain (BSDE), will be based on the sustainable cooperation between key industry stakeholders, education and training providers, social partners and public authorities.

EDDIE Tools towards Blueprint Strategy for the Digitalisation of the Energy value chain (BSDE)

Map the stakeholders

The activity will be developed to identify, describe and indicate priorities for the improvement or the establishment of new qualifications (job profiles and skills needed) and strategic network building with a strong industry-driven approach

Underpin and illustrate the Blueprint Strategy

Blueprint Strategy for the Digitalisation of the Energy value chain (BSDE) to tackle the skills shortages and mismatches identified, fostering multi-stakeholder partnerships (e.g. between industry, social partners, education and training, public authorities, smart cities and global communities)

Develop a communication and dissemination strategy

All the actions perform among the identified target groups at regional, national and EU level and include details on how the roll-out will be implemented at national and/or regional levels with relevant governmental and sectorial authorities