

This page will show all the public-available deliverables for EDDIE

Project Management


Mid-term report

Due Date: M24

A mid-term report will show the progress of the project and the action implementation – based on the results of the first cycle.


Final report

Due Date: M48

A final report will summarise the results of the Blueprint.

Identification of current and future skill needs in the Energy Sector


Current challenges in the energy sector and state of the art in education/training

Due Date: M6

This report will elaborate on the contemporary technical, social and economic challenges in the energy sector. An analysis of the state of the art in education and training in the energy sector will be performed.


Current and future skill needs in the Energy Sector

Due Date: M12

This document will identify current and future skill gaps for the digitalisation of the energy sector. As a starting point, the current skills of professionals and students will be analysed.

Stakeholder mapping and strategic network building


Identification of stakeholders in each area

Due Date: M17

Desk research to identify institutions, companies, organisations and all other interest groups that are relevant to the energy transformation system in Europe evaluating their influence and interest in the process.


Stakeholders’ Map in order of importance within each area

Due Date: M31

Once identified and evaluated the analysis can be represented with a visual map, presented as a grid or matrix that show influence and interest.


Strategic Network

Due Date: M31

Definition of a network of strategic partners and stakeholders for the implementation and success of the BSDE.

Assessment of policies and requirements for VET and beyond


Identification and assessment of VET systems for delivery of skills and professional knowledge to address digitalization.

Due Date: M12

It contains a consolidated assessment of the skill delivery methods, policies and legal framework of operation of VET and beyond systems, and a set of requirements on introductory and professional knowledge and skills to address at each age level digitisation of energy.


Report on Best Practice for VET education

Due Date: M24


Report on Best Practice for University education

Due Date: M24


Report on Best Practice for continuous learning

Due Date: M24

The system of policies at national, regional and European levels must work coherently to create a framework for the dynamic adaptation of lifelong learning to new technological conditions and changes in the labour market. Moreover, a formal communication framework between the professional and university backgrounds to ensure the adaptation of curricula to the demands of the labour market in general and with specific reference to the energy field, should not be absent from this equation.


Synergy with other European education frameworks

Due Date: M43

This deliverable will identify and summary the relation between the EDDIE project and other frameworks and standards like ESCO, ECVET, EQF, Europass, ECTS, EQAVET and ECQA (in addition to international classifications, such as ISCED and ISCO) for job role and skills content assessment. This deliverable will be developed in close relation to the previous deliverable D4.2, D4.3 and D4.4 analysing VET, university education and continuous learning.

Blueprint for the Digitalisation of the European Energy Sector development


Specification, conceptual design and application to the partial results compiled from other work packages.

Due Date: M24

It contains a consolidated view of the skill gaps, the stakeholders and the current policies and requirements, assessing and stressing the ones with the highest usefulness to define the BSDE and providing an initial draft view on how this can be applied to build the blueprint.


Intermediate draft templates for educational programs.

Due Date: M24

This deliverable contains the pre-design of education programmes, initial and continuous training activities.


Templates for documenting and presenting educational programs.

Due Date: M36

This deliverable contains the main results of the works in T5.2, i.e., education programmes, initial and continuous training activities, together with their expected relative impact in the correction of skill gaps.


Recommendations on how to improve the educational frameworks in the focus countries.

Due Date: M43

This deliverable will contain the list of actions identified to improve the educational frameworks. The report will present the results covering a set of focus countries in representative regions, so that these results can also be applied to other countries with similar characteristics. The predefined focus countries are Germany, Spain, Sweden, Greece.


BSDE presentation and strategic roadmap for the deployment of the action plans

Due Date: M48

This report will present the priorities assigned to each of the actions defined in the previous tasks. Based on these priorities, the report will propose a strategic roadmap for their deployment. The results of the pilot will be compiled and analyzed to determine if corrective actions to the roadmap are required.

Blueprint: Roll out and action plan


Detailed development plan for the field tests.

Due Date: M30

This report will define all the details for the implementation envisioned in T6.2. The report will not only define the specificity of the actions but will also identify measures to identify the impact of the proposed actions and their coherence with the BSDE.


Intermediate report on the field tests.

Due Date: M36

This report will catch the main result of the first phase of deployment of the field test: Main strength and weaknesses of the implemented actions will be identified and used as guidelines for the second phase of the test.


Final report on the field test Aachen

Due Date: M48

This report complements D6.2 and presents the updates and changes in the second phase of the trial.


First presentation of E-Learning platforms and pilot activities

Due Date: M36

An e-learning platform will be developed, which will act as an online resource centre, to support the pilots. It will include all the developed tools, material, webinars and courses in a user-friendly environment. Access to the material will be free of charge, during the project implementation. A first version of the educational portal will be made available. The platform will be in particular tested in the second phase of the field test Aachen for a first check with the final users.


First update of the learning platform

Due Date: M42

After collecting the feedback of the users in the last year of the project, a new version of the portal will be officially released before the end of the project.


Report describing the impact of suggested policies on deployed activities

Due Date: M42

This report will analyze how the work envisioned in the BSDE has effectively conditioned the work in the real deployment. A comparison with the status of the corresponding activities before the implementation of the BSDE to understand the effectiveness of the proposed policies.


Analysis of skill gap mitigation

Due Date: M42

This report will focus on the specific impact of the field test when it comes to skill gap mitigation. The report will in particular consider the opinion of the industry that has been involved in the professional training to have an immediate measure of the impact in the work place. Lessons learned will be provided.

Dissemination, Exploitation and Policy recommendations

Due Date: M4

The EDDIE website will be set-up at the beginning of the project and frequently updated with relevant project internal and external news, in order to create an interactive collaboration among the partners, stakeholders and policy makers. A specific section of the project website will be devoted to the list of documents generated by the project, with a pdf version.


Dissemination and Exploitation plan

Due Date: M12

It will provide systematic information on raising awareness about the project’s activities, goals and results. It will describe the target audiences, key messages, outreach activities and communication channels (website, FB, Twitter, newsletter, YouTube Channel, etc). The purpose of this deliverable is to report on all initial communication and marketing activities of the entire project.


Report on fostering support for the project results.

Due Date: M36

This report will include an assessment of interactions between stakeholders and the synergies that will be created within the project, going to a conceptualisation of how each category of stakeholders will be able to support the transition to digitisation within the energy sector. It will provide also an assessment of the measures taken as a preparation for the exploitation activities of the project results.


Report on events (v1)

Due Date: M24

This deliverable provides a report on all dissemination and consultation events, and it will assess the results of these events regarding the intended communication goals. It will be based on the collection of information and description elements for all event types, organised by the consortia or just attended: dissemination and synergies activities containing the minutes, report, photo or video overview of the meeting, presentation used, participants list or number of people attending, collection of feed-back, etc. This report will be updated on M 48.


Report on events (v2)

Due Date: M48

This deliverable will provide a report on all dissemination and consultation events, and it will assess the results of these events regarding the intended communication goals. It will be based on the collection of information and description elements for all event types, organised by the consortia or just attended: dissemination and synergies activities containing the minutes, report, photo or video overview of the meeting, presentation used, participants list or number of people attending, collection of feed-back, etc.


Report on the preparation of exploitation

Due Date: M48

This deliverable will provide an overview of the tracking of events and trends both in the energy sector and the education system at national, regional and European level. It will basically report on the activities of the consortium to create awareness, to get the support of policy makers, and prepare the ground for the key exploitable results of the project in the market.