
Comillas Pontifical University
Comillas Pontifical University is a non-profit private institution for higher education based in Madrid. This Jesuit university was founded in 1890. In this project, Comillas will be represented by the ICAI School of Engineering, a Polytechnic School with Master’s Degrees in Industrial and in Telecommunications Engineering. ICAI has also a long tradition of collaborating in research with the private and public sectors, through our Chairs and our Technological Research Institute (IIT), devoted to research and training mainly on energy and particularly on the electricity sector.

National Technical University of Athens - NTUA
The National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), founded in 1836, is the oldest and most prestigious educational institution for engineering in Greece. The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of NTUA offers four specializations: Electronics and Systems, Information Technology, Communications and Energy. The Electric Energy Systems Laboratory delivers graduate and postgraduate power system courses, including innovative laboratory exercises. Smart RUE, the Smart grids Research Unit, has developed high level research through the coordination and participation in more than 60 European and several national RTD projects.

Rheinisch Westfaelische Technische Hochschule Aachen - RWTH
As one of the Universities in Germany awarded the status of "Excellence University", RWTH Aachen University, established in 1870, is a leading technical university in Germany and Europe with over 40,000 students and more than 500 professors. RWTH participates in EDDIE with the Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems (ACS). ACS is part of the E.ON Energy Research Center, a public private partnership between E.ON SE and RWTH Aachen University funded in 2006, which fosters innovative energy research with a strong link to industry and creates an interdisciplinary environment, joining institutes from different faculties.

Research Centre for Sustainable Energy - University of Cyprus - FOSS
UCY is the leading research University in Cyprus that aspires to promote scholarship and education standards of excellence through teaching and research. Through its Research Centre for Sustainable Energy FOSS, plays a key role in research and technological development activities in sustainable energy in Cyprus and internationally (by running successfully a number of EU projects: PV-NET, SmartPV, Hybuild, TwinPV, StoRES, FLEXGRID, PANTERA, BERLIN, Integridy etc). FOSS has links with key players in the energy field and policy makers. It has also developed several energy related courses through its participation in previously funded ERASMUS projects.

Politecnico di Milano - PoliMI - METID
METID is the “Innovation Teaching and Learning Task Force” of Politecnico di Milano (PoliMI), one of the leading science and technology universities in Europe. METID has a strong expertise in the field of methods and innovative technologies for learning: it supports the University designing and testing tools and methods for learning innovation and faculty development. METID is also involved in several international projects contributing with its strong expertise.

Kungliga Tekniska högskolan - KTH
Since its founding in 1827 KTH has grown to become one of Europe’s leading technical and engineering universities, as well as a key centre of intellectual talent and innovation. We are Sweden’s largest technical research and learning institution and home to students, researchers and faculty from around the world dedicated to advancing knowledge. KTH is working with industry and society in the pursuit of sustainable solutions to some of humanity’s greatest challenges: climate change, future energy supply, urbanisation and quality of life for the rapidly-growing elderly population.

Escuelas Profesionales Padre Piquer - PIQUER
Padre Piquer Institution was born to respond to the social disadvantage of families in the Madrid neighborhood of La Ventilla. The Montemadrid Foundation school, which runs the Society of Jesus since its birth, opened its doors with the main objective of bringing education to the most vulnerable people. At the end of the 90's a group of teachers considers the need to change the way of educating. The center launched a radical transformation process that led to its own innovation project: the Multitasking Cooperative Classrooms.

Centrul Roman al Energiei - CRE
CRE, as a professional association and non-governmental organization in the energy field, will provide a relevant input from the perspective of its members (small and medium-sized enterprises, relevant sectorial organizations). As an industry association, with knowledge and relevant expertise, CRE is in position to prepare for delivering training programs to its members by setting up a training department. CRE will engage and support contributions to the development of a successful exploitation policy, enhancing the consortium position in the market, coordination of power industry-oriented training programs, contribution to the Pilot Project in Romania and analysis, and dissemination of its results, contribution to the digitalisation of the electricity T&D networks, in coordination with all DSOs and the TSO members of CRE.

Repsol SA
Repsol is a global, integrated company at the forefront of the international energy sector. Our mission is to be an energy company that's committed to a sustainable world, transforming the energy sector and now we're taking on this ambitious challenge by adapting our company to new scenarios, technologies, and working styles. We promote disruptive projects and new businesses to keep us at the forefront of the energy sector. For Repsol, the digital transformation is a means, not an end. Our work is based on a variety of technologies which we use as tools to help us improve. Springboards such as Big Data, IoT, omnichannel strategies, robotization, and blockchain help our professionals design digital products and services that directly benefit our customers.

Iberdrola España SA
With a history of over 170 years, Iberdrola is a global energy leader, the number-one producer of wind power and one of the world's biggest electricity utilities by market capitalization. The group supplies energy to almost 100 million people in dozens of countries, has more than 600,000 shareholders, a workforce comprising more than 35,000 employees and assets worth more than €122 billion. Iberdrola España, S.A.U. is the subholding company of the Iberdrola Group in Spain, and carries out its business in Spain through the following parent companies for the businesses: Iberdrola Generación España, S.A.U, Iberdrola Renovables Energía, S.A.U., and I-DE Redes Eléctricas Inteligentes, S.A.U.

NTT DATA – a part of NTT Group – is a trusted global innovator of IT and business services headquartered in Tokyo. We help clients transform through consulting, industry solutions, business process services, IT modernization and managed services. NTT DATA enables clients, as well as society, to move confidently into the digital future. We are committed to our clients’ long-term success and combine global reach with local client attention to serve them in over 50 countries.

We are independent experts in risk and quality assurance, and the world’s leading classification society on the maritime industry, the technical advisor to the oil and gas industry, and we deliver world-renowned testing, certification and advisory services to the energy value chain including renewables and energy management. We are one of the world’s leading certification bodies, and a world-leading provider of digital solutions for managing risk for, electric grids, smart cities and more.

E.DSO for Smart Grids - E.DSO
European Distribution System Operators (E.DSO) is the key-interface between Europe’s DSOs and the European institutions and promotes the development and large-scale testing of smart grid technologies in real-life situations, new market designs and regulation. E.DSO gathers 41 leading electricity distribution system operators (DSOs) in 24 countries, including 2 national associations, cooperating to ensure the reliability of Europe’s electricity supply for consumers and enabling their active participation in our energy system. How? By shaping smarter grids for your future.

Novel Group
Novel Group, a Consulting Company and a Vocational Training Center, provides vocational training and services for the promotion of employment and the development of entrepreneurship to European, National and local bodies, enterprises and private organisations. Novel Group has knowledge and experience in a rich services portfolio, including diverse sectors of the local and international economy. Its motto “Uncover your Skills” describes the company’s objective. Novel Group invests in research and development (R&D) in the framework of international projects and partnerships.

University of Cologne Business School GmbH - COLOGNE-UCBS
The University of Cologne Business School unites the University’s management development programmes under one roof. It offers a variety of training programmes including an Executive MBA program as well as compact management courses for individuals and businesses. The Business School works with national and international partners to deliver innovative programs taught by internationally acclaimed faculty with innovative teaching methods and presentations reflecting real-life practice.

Institute of Energy Economics at the University of Cologne - COLOGNE-EWI
The Institute of Energy Economics at the University of Cologne (EWI) is a non-profit organization (gGmbH). It sees itself as a knowledge factory that aims at creating, disseminating and utilizing new knowledge about increasingly complex energy markets. The energy world is currently undergoing dramatic change, with changing political and social conditions as well as new technologies and innovations. These changes raise complex questions for which EWI is seeking answers: through practical and agenda-neutral energy economics research.