
EDDIE Project - Digitization of Energy System - Industrial stakeholders

Stakeholder´s map as a database of sector occupations and job profiles, with skill content analysis. This will set ground for a strategic sectoral cooperation in order to design and build a strategic network, in close relation with “Assessment of policies and requirements for VET and beyond”. The application to be included to the database can be accessed through the button below and will be verified within the next work days from the consortium.
Organization Name Organization Type Size of the Institution/Association Main Sectors of Activity Country of Headquarters Continent of Operation Country(s) of Operation Email Entities links
École des Ponts Business SchoolInstitution 20 See sectors
France Europe Morocco cerc@pontssbchool.com
EIT InnoEnergyInstitution 200 See sectors
Netherlands Europe, The Americas Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Poland, Germany info@innoenergy.com
ANCILABInstitution 27 See sectors
Italy Europe Italy info@ancilab.it
Keele UniversityInstitution 700 See sectors
United Kingdom Europe United Kingdom enquiries@keele.ac.uk
Gate2 Cyber Physical FactoryInstitution 0 See sectors
Netherlands Europe Netherlands, Caribbean Netherlands ricardo.abdoel@gmail.com
DNV Energy SystemsInstitution 4000 See sectors
Netherlands Europe, The Americas, Asia&Oceania, Africa Netherlands leo.akkerman@dnv.com
FHOOInstitution 1000 See sectors
Austria Europe Austria info@fh-hagenberg.at
Romania Europe Romania asro@asro.ro
Centro de Formación Padre PiquerInstitution 80 See sectors
Spain Europe Spain roberto.alonso@padrepiquer.net
KTH - Kungliga tekniska högskolanInstitution 5000 See sectors
Sweden Europe Sweden info@kth.se
European Distribution System Operators Association Association 39 See sectors
Belgium Europe Netherlands, Italy, Finland, Czechia, Ukraine, Cyprus, Romania, Poland, France, Austria, Belgium, Sweden, Portugal, Spain, Ireland, Lithuania, Germany, Greece, Latvia info@edsoforsmartgrids.eu
RepsolInstitution 24000 See sectors
Spain Europe, Asia&Oceania, The Americas, Africa Libya, Colombia, United States, Mexico, Canada, Chile, Bolivia, Brazil, Venezuela, Guyana, Trinidad & Tobago, Portugal, Spain, France, United Kingdom, Germany, Norway, Italy, Morocco, China, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia repsol@repsol.com
National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)Institution 4500 See sectors
Greece Europe Greece pr_office@central.ntua.gr
Institute of Energy Economics at the University of CologneInstitution 40 See sectors
Germany Europe Germany, France, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, United Kingdom, Norway, Belgium, Netherlands info@ewi.uni-koeln.de
GD4SAssociation 10 See sectors
Belgium Europe Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, Romania, Greece, Ireland, Netherlands contact@gd4s.eu
Romanian Energy CenterAssociation 20 See sectors
Romania Europe Romania office@crenerg.org
IberdrolaInstitution 39.000 See sectors
Spain Europe, The Americas, Asia&Oceania Spain, United Kingdom, United States, Brazil, Mexico, Portugal, France, Italy, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Romania, Cyprus, Japan, Australia mduran@iberdrola.es
Iberdrola SAInstitution 37.000 See sectors
Spain Europe, The Americas, Asia&Oceania Spain, United Kingdom, United States, Brazil, Mexico, Portugal, Italy, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Australia, Japan mcruz@iberdrola.es
NOVEL Group SARLInstitution 10 See sectors
Luxembourg Europe Luxembourg, Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Greece, Cambodia, Philippines, Vietnam, Belgium, Netherlands, China, India, Sri Lanka, Czechia, North Macedonia, Cyprus, Indonesia, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Estonia, Bosnia & Herzegovina euprojects@novelgroup.lu
RWTH Aachen UniversityInstitution 10000 See sectors
Germany Europe Germany cbattistelli@eonerc.rwth-aachen.de
City of HerneAssociation 100 See sectors
Germany Europe Germany pierre.golz@herne.de
Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y TecnológicasInstitution 1300 See sectors
Spain Europe Spain contacto@ciemat.es
Politecnico di MilanoInstitution 4000 See sectors
Italy Europe Italy daniela.casiraghi@polimi.it
Norway Europe, The Americas, Africa, Asia&Oceania Spain, Norway, Italy, France ricardo.alvarez@dnv.com
FOSSInstitution 800 See sectors
Cyprus Europe Cyprus efthymiou.venizelos@ucy.ac.cy
NTT DATA ItaliaInstitution 5300 See sectors
Italy Europe Italy privacy.office_Italy@nttdata.com
Comillas Pontifical UniversityInstitution 2500 See sectors
Spain Europe Spain eddie@comillas.edu