Blog #2

Real-time simulation for realistic testing of smart grid solutions
Authors: Panos Kotsampopoulos, Alkistis Kontou, Dimitris Lagos, Athanasios Vasilakis, Alexandros Chronis, Nikos Hatziargyriou
Real-time Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) simulation is the connection of hardware equipment to a real-time simulated system (e.g. distribution network) executed in a Digital Real-Time Simulator (DRTS). HIL experiments can be categorized as PHIL or CHIL based on the Hardware Under Test (HUT). Power Hardware-In-the-Loop simulation allows the connection of a physical power component (e.g., photovoltaic inverter) to a real-time simulated network. On the other hand, Controller Hardware-In-the-Loop (CHIL) simulation is the connection of a hardware controller (e.g. controller of an inverter, relay) to a real-time simulated system executed in a DRTS. PHIL and CHIL simulation is proving more and more to be an efficient tool for research, testing and education as it allows risk-free testing in very realistic conditions.al-time simulation for realistic testing of smart grid solutions
Panos Kotsampopoulos of Smart RUE NTUA is delivering a webinar on the Grid integration of Distributed Energy Resources supported by Power Hardware-In-the-Loop and Controller Hardware-In-the-Loop simulation on October 6, 2020 at 9:00 CST (16:00 CEST), in the framework of the RTDS webinar series (https://www.rtds.com/events/uss/)
At the webinar best experiences of using HIL simulation at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) are presented focusing on power electronic converters and smart grid controllers. First, the proposed procedure, stages and topologies for the testing of power electronic converters are shown, related to battery inverter development and testing, FACTS testing, microgrid control and interactions between DER and OLTC. The second part deals with the HIL testing of smart grid controllers, including the testing of a coordinated voltage controller in a combined CHIL and PHIL setup, the adaptive protection testing via HIL simulation and the testing of a distributed control scheme based on Multi-Agent Systems. The last part of the presentation explains the benefits of using PHIL simulation as an advanced method for hands-on and experiential laboratory education.
For more information please press the link: https://www.rtds.com/events/uss-week-6/