Blog #13

Authors: Álvaro López López
Cátedra de Industria Conectada, ICAI – COMILLAS ICAI
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is called upon to qualitatively change the economy, and society in general, during the 21st century. The appropriate adoption of AI technologies will result in advanced automation processes, in this case in combination with the different types of robotics (industrial, collaborative, logical, mobile, etc.), which will allow us humans to focus on the tasks of more value and more aligned with our nature. In addition, it is expected that AI will allow, from a certain point, to master the complexity of many of the problems we face, opening the door to an economy “of abundance” derived from the development of exponential technologies. The reader can inquire about “singularity” if interested in the projections that are made today on this scene.
This article is a extended version of another article of the author: https://www.monedaunica.net/2020/03/automatizacion-avanzada-empleo-y-educacion/
OECD, 2018. Automation, skills use and training.
Bruegel, 2018. The impact of industrial robots on EU employment and wages: A local labour market approach. FRANCESCO CHIACCHIO, GEORGIOS PETROPOULOS, DAVID PICHLER
European Political Strategy Center, 2019. The Future of Work? Work of the Future!